photography Filipe Phitzgerard
Essex-based model and basketball player Kornelijus Budrys at Menace has been in lockdown for the past few weeks due to the current COVID-19 pandemic; and, just like the rest of us, Kornelijus is learning to adapt to the new routine. While the city is in lockdown, Budrys has been enjoying some quality time with his family while exercising and keeping his basketball game on check.
In this new series; F Word's editor, Filipe Phitzgerard, captures a few hours of Kornelijus's afternoon at home were able to create a visually captivating story that depicts part of Kornelijus' day-to-day life while in lockdown. While being photographed via FaceTime, Kornelijus talks about the massive change in routine, especially not being able to go out and practice basketball with his friends as often as he used to. He also talks about what he is looking forward to once the pandemic has ended and the lockdown has been lifted. The model also talks about how he learned to play the guitar on his own (he learned to play 'This Town' by Niall Horan) after a bet with a friend.