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Following the successful first part of her Summer series 'Oh My Summer Days' Atlanta-based multifaceted creative, Valheria Rocha, releases the second part of this new and exciting project. Capturing love, sun. and beauty, this creative young woman is a force to be reckoned with and even though her approach to documentary photography is unique, sleek, and powerful we can't deny the honesty, tenderness, and kindness seen in each and every image she takes and creates.

Valheria is one of a kind, capturing a real and captivating sense of youth through her lenses. If you ever wondered what youth looks like, just take a few minutes to admire her work. Love, freedom, and happiness are the driving forces in her work and they all come together in a harmonious and creative way. For the second part of this Summer visual diary, Valheria teams up with Makeup Artist and 'Modern Renascence Woman' McKenzie Mann whose creative abilities are perfectly combined with Valheria's for an outcome of refreshing beauty.

Grace; "The last 80 degree sunset is when summer ends and it's the saddest day of the year. Anything under 80 degrees at sun fall even after the official day is classified as an endless summer day." Location: Atlanta, GA and Brooklyn, NY Date: Summer 2018 Makeup: McKenzie Mann Camera: Google Pixel 2

Katie & Pierce; “Summer’s end is like a tan’s fading; yet, I know summer will one day come again and a new tan with it.” Pierce. “The end of summer is a bummer." Katie Location: Santa Monica, CA Date: Summer 2018

Sarah; "The end of summer can be described in one word: Sad." Location: Malibu, CA Date: Summer 2018

Brandon; “As summer comes to an end I can’t but feel excitement for what Fall will bring. Good weather, all the festivities, and you can’t forget the changing of the leaves. What more can you ask for?” Location: Atlanta, GA

Date: Summer 2018 Camera: Google Pixel 2

Octavia; “To say it was a beautiful summer would not even begin to explain the love and happiness I felt this summer. It was that day we shared our first summer night together. When love is involved, each day is a little bit more radiant.” Location: Los Angeles, CA

Date: Summer 2018

Meg; “There’s something about summer that leaves me feeling cleansed. Maybe it’s the free spirit of the water and the sun combining forces. Maybe it’s new beginnings and the freeness of the air. Thawing out the worries of the past year. I wish I could live in this season forever, but as this one comes to an end I welcome the cosiness of fall and gathering.” Location: Atlanta, GA

Date: Summer 2018 Camera: Google Pixel 2

Pierce; “Summer’s end is like a tan’s fading; yet, I know summer will one day come again and a new tan with it.” Location: Santa Monica, CA

Date: Summer 2018

Camera: Google Pixel 2

Lyncoln; “Summer coming to an end feels like saying “until next time” to an easy friend.” Location: Soho, NY

Date: Summer 2018 Grooming by: McKenzie Mann Camera: Google Pixel 2

New Beat Fund; “As the light changes and the air grows crisp, queue up the Netflix and some NBF (New Beat Fund) and get even closer to loving your love." Location: Venice Beach, CA

Date: Summer 2018

Kaitlyn; “Although summer is a dream within a dreamland, fall is always the season I experience love and flourish as an artist in the best possible way. I’ll miss you summer, but I’ll see you soon.” Location: Atlanta, GA

Date: Summer 2018 Camera: Google Pixel 2

Zoe; “It’s like saying goodbye to a good friend. We may not see each other for some time, but magic is guaranteed when we reunite.” Location: Atlanta, GA

Date: Summer 2018 Camera: Google Pixel 2

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