NAME, AGE, LOCKDOWN LOCATION: Colt Walker, 23, Florida, Kentucky.
LOOKDOWN FEELS LIKE... Lockdown for me has honestly been a very productive time. I have focused on my goals. I have organized plans to achieve those goals and also have achieved some of them already. I have taken this time and managed it professionally and efficiently. I am a photographer and a fashion model. I have set myself goals to photograph more and create visual essays about my time in lockdown.
LOCKDOWN ACTIVITIES... During quarantine, I have been focusing on my body, my mind, and my soul. I have strengthened my faith by praying more, I have been running a lot more on the treadmill and sometimes outside so I have made my cardiovascular endurance better. I’ve also been drawing and conceptualizing photo shoots. I’ve also spent a lot of time with my family and worked on building a better relationship and understanding with them. I have also started working on getting a professional certification for Squarespace web design!

THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS TIME RIGHT NOW... I think that there’s a lot of things going on right now that none of us truly understand, with that I don’t really have an educated opinion on what’s going on. I have had family members with the virus and they have explained how awful it was. I think that the governments' response was helpful but not helpful enough. There’s a lot that goes into receiving a stimulus check and also unemployment. They have given us the opportunity to receive those things but have not educated us on how to do so. For that, I think they are wrong.
LOCKDOWN NOSTALGIA... I miss being able to go out with my friends, being in New York City and networking. I miss doing my photography and meeting new faces and learning more about new models and helping them get into the industry and feel more comfortable with the overall industry. I love working in new places so I can do that. I also miss going to the gym with my friends and working out at an actual gym instead of my front yard or backyard.

ONCE THIS IS ALL OVER... FIRST THING ON THE "TO DO" LIST... The first thing I will do is go back to NYC to my apartment. I will also get a group of friends together and probably have a BBQ! I will go to the park and play basketball in Central Park. I also want to get back into photographing new faces for agencies.
A CONSTANT LOCKDOWN FEELING... Anxiety. I am worried about things I shouldn’t be worried about. Like going to the grocery store and holding my breath when I walk past people.

LAST THING YOU READ IN LOCKDOWN... The last thing I read was a story about “Who really wrote that song” A tale of Copyrights and Wrongs.
ZOOM, FACETIME OR HOUSE PARTY... FaceTime! I like to be one on one. Too many noises in a multiple face video chat.

THREE PEOPLE TO ZOOM WITH... Oooooh. That’s is a tough one. I would probably have to talk to Dale Earnhardt, Elvis Presley, and Mac Miller.
ONE UPSIDE OF LOCKDOWN... I have tried to make everything about this lockdown a positive outlook. I have focused very hard on my career and my mind and body. The most positive thing for me was getting to better my relationships with family members.

LAST SONG PLAYING... Last two songs were: Comfortable by HERO and Doctor Seuss by Barny Fletcher. Both of these artists are up and coming incredible artist. Please check them out and show them your support!
THE PANDEMIC TAUGHT ME... It would have taught us to be more mindful of our germs, personal space and be more grateful for the things we do have.

A HOPEFUL STATEMENT... I encourage everyone if you haven’t already to take this downtime to do something you haven’t done. Do something you would have never thought you could do, you will be surprised what you learn that you are capable of doing. Pray, exercise, write, read, and make art. Help yourself being healthier and more positive. We have nothing but time right now. I love you all.
ULTIMATE LOCKDOWN F-WORD... FOCUS! Focus is my favourite F-word because it is a pair I’ve word. We all need focus to live. Without focus, we are not able to do anything.