interview Filipe Phitzgerard - words Andrea Ward - images courtesy of Rumours
If you are looking for a new sound filled with soulfulness and hypnotic beats, you should look no further. We had the pleasure of talking to Mark, one-of-three members of London-based band Rumours whose sound is a perfect and harmonious blend of cinematic scores with a real level of emotion. The three piece band, formed by long-term Italian-born and bred friends Mark and Fede and Norwegian Marion, has started Rumours just over three years ago and have been creating beautiful music that can easily put you in the right mood.
The combination of electronic, bass and beautifully synced vocals make Rumours' sound one of the most enjoyable and uplifting you will find today and set a path for an emerging band that has everything to make it big in the world. Their latest single, “Tell Me What You've Done” is the kind of song you want to listen to on repeat and for every time you press play on it you are drawn even deeper into this trio's mind and heart.
Our editor, Filipe Phiztgerard, chatted with Mark on the phone from his home in East London, where the two talked creative influences, Rumours' history and creative journey and much more.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Happy Friday, how are things with you?
Mark: We're good, we're good. Just working on something new stuff in the studio so it's been a good chilled day.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Do you spend a lot of time at home or are you out and about?
Mark: It depends on the period. When we are working on new music we tend to spend a lot of time at home working on the new songs and recording it.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Do you have a studio in the house?
Mark: Yes. We have a good space that half is the chilling area and the other side is just full of instruments.
Filipe Phitzgerard: How has it been since the release of your latest single, 'Tell Me What You've Done'?
Mark: It's going well, man. We had some really good feedback. And the reason we released it as a single is because of the feedback we got from the live shows. We were not entirely sure if we were going to release it because the beat and the vibe are very different from our other stuff, this one is more soulful and jazzy with less of that electronic impact which works best for the live shows, but people seemed to like it a lot so we made a decision to release it as a single.
Filipe Phitzgerard: It's an awesome track. Very fresh and soulful.
Mark: Thanks, man.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Is this a direction you guys will be going towards?
Mark: I think that our direction is not to limit ourselves too much. Since we started playing live we have got more people (musicians) playing with us and we want to make that live element more relevant. We can still make something dancy and fast-passed but kinda work with that free vibe you get when playing live.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Is the way you look and produce your music different from a recorded track to a live one?
Mark: I would say, yes and no at the same time. We try to stick to the studio version of our songs, but as we are developing more our live shows, we are aware that we have to be able to feel more, like the environment and energy. These elements of a live show are slowly influencing how we are recording and we are open for that.
Filipe Phitzgerard: How did you feel when you played live for the first time.
Mark: Ah. The first time was very different than what we do now because back then it was just the three of us, Marion, Fede and me. We were very nervous, but it was a very nice feeling. Now we feel like we are more able to use the potential we have to create our songs. It feels more complete.

Filipe Phitzgerard: Now when you perform live you have six people in the band, right?
Mark: Yes. That's right.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Do you feel like having a larger band gives you more confidence to play and experiment live?
Mark: Yes. Having a band creates a more energetic feeling to it and musically sounds great. I think it is also a matter of playing more and more together. As we play together, we learn more ways and things we can do.
Filipe Phitzgerard: You've been together for three years now, right?
Mark: Yes. We started writing together about three years ago.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Has the synergy between you guys changed in any way since the beginning?
Mark: Not really. I think that the core of our ideas still comes out the same ways. It would be more like me creating the skeleton of the song, and then Fede looks into the production and Marion steps in to really shape the song. Most of the time Fede takes care of the production of the track once I usually look into the lyrics and chords and top-lines and Marion is in-between connection the two ends.
Filipe Phitzgerard: How did you guys get together to play? I know you and Fed have known each other for a while?
Mark: Yes. Fede and I have known each other for years. We grew up in Italy together. With Marion the friendship developed shortly before the project started. I think we met her around six months before we started Rumours.
Filipe Phitzgerard: How is the relationship between you and Fed like? I know you are currently living together.
Mark: Well, it's full on. [laughs] Especially Fede. He knows how to zone out, and he goes into his zone. Sometimes you do say “Okay, I'd tired of looking at your face so give me a break” [laughs] but the relationship is great and it is really like family. I think that is one of the reasons why we are able to create music together; we do understand each other's space and processes so once you have that figured out, all the rest is easy.
Filipe Phitzgerard: What are you music influences like? Do you all share the same taste in music or influences or no?
Mark: I think it's quite sparse and diverse, which is great. Fede is more into hip-hop and electronic music with a lot of base. I have always love neo-soul and RnB and Marion, whose Norwegian comes from a more singer-based line. Her style is more peaceful and flowy and light. We all have different backgrounds and tastes so we try to bring that together when we are making music.
Filipe Phitzgerard: It's funny you say that, because all these elements you mentioned can be heard in your own music, however, none of them overpower the whole music in a way that it becomes too much. It's quite refreshing and well-balanced.
Mark: Thank you!

Filipe Phitzgerard: How would you describe your song and the process to create it?
Mark: I think it is quite organic and relaxed. We always try to make sure the song feels right and flows right from the time we are putting the ideas together to the final production. I think that if you have to wrestle too much on something, then it is probably not right. It has to flow from your heart, you know?
Filipe Phitzgerard: What would you say inspire you guys when you are creating?
Mark: I think that mainly life related things. A lot of times we don't sit down with the whole idea ready. It isn't fully formed. It can start from a melody, or a single sound, or an emotion and as you start putting things together you can find where they fit in your own life.
Filipe Phitzgerard: What are you guys working on at the moment? Anything coming on the pipeline?
Mark: Oh definitely. We will probably have a remix for 'Tell Me What You've Done' but we are seeing how it goes. We will release something new now in October. We also have a video for a new track that will come out at the end of October early November. We will be headlining at Oslo in Hackney on November 13th. We will announce it officially soon.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Are you guys planning an EP soon?
Mark: Not yet. For now we just want to be releasing music without waiting too long. When you are putting an EP together you take more time to do it as the whole things has to be right. We will be doing it in the future but at the moment we just want to release as much music as possible.
Filipe Phitzgerard: What is the big goal for the next year?
Mark: Ah. We want to play more outside the U.K. We love London and here is our home, but we feel like we are ready to take on new countries and cities where we have not been before. I think that is also part of maturing and growing as artists. Just to feel other crowds as well and introduce our music to them.
Filipe Phitzgerard: If you could describe Rumours' sound in three words, what would they be?
Mark: Oh, that's always a hard one. [Laughs] Magazines usually write something cleverer than we would. [Laughs]. I would say it is quite organic, cinematic and soulful.
Filipe Phitzgerard: You mentioned cinematic; are you guys into movies at all? What are you watching at the moment?
Mark: Yes! We really like movies and series. I really enjoy series and Netflix at the moment.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Oh cool. What have you been watching?
Mark: Orange is the New Black. [Giggles]
Filipe Phitzgerard: Oh wow! That's a contemporary classic already. I imagined, because of your music, that you would be into some classics and more psycho-drama pictures.
Mark: [Laughs] Well I do. But I like the ones that are easy to watch. It's good to help you relax and just go for something easy.
Filipe Phitzgerard: Nice one! Last but not least, what's your favourite f-word?
Mark: That's a difficult one. [Laughs] I have to go with Family.
You can purchase tickets for Rumours' headline concert at the Oslo Hackney on November 13th HERE
Watch to Rumours' latest video release for 'The Traveller'
Listen to 'Tell Me What You've Done' by Rumours