NICCE X NIGHT WATCH words Maisie Daniels - images courtesy of GungHo
If you are hungry for fashion, then NICCE’s latest collaboration with American graphic studio Night Watch will have you salivating. Titled ‘Street Urchins’, inspiration is drawn from East London’s fast-food joints and the night time youth culture that they draw in. With imagery and video footage presenting youths hanging out in their favourite fast-food spots, with killer attitudes and a hunger to match. True to Night Watch’s signature style, graphics take on a tongue-in-cheek approach, creatively and comically depicting the stereotype of these hostile haunts. A personal favourite has to be Frankenstein’s Monster, going in for the kill on a box of ‘Nicce’ fried chicken- mmm.
This exclusive collection comprises nine unisex pieces and is the perfect blend of NICCE’s quality and signature styles of hoodies, long sleeves, t-shirts and now, tie-dye. All teamed perfectly with Night Watch’s loud, fun and trippy graphics.
Prices range from £28.00- to £55.00.
The NICCE x Night Watch collection will be available to buy from nicceclothing.com.